Sometimes you just have to say no to unacceptable air quality...

A Way To Protect Yourself Against Airborne Pollutants


Sometimes you just have to say no to unacceptable air quality, for your lungs' sake. Chemical particulates and unwanted scents abound in our modern life (perfumes, cigarette and cigar smoke, car exhaust, etc).

L.A., New York, Tokyo, Toronto, anyone? Cities are becoming more polluted by the minute. This vegan organic cotton-free plastic-free 100% Cannabis Hemp Facemask is definitely essential gear for enclosed shared public spaces like planes, trains, and buses. And open streets. Or just for the modern ninja in you!

We have been homesteading on a small island for close to 20 years and a major part of that time was spent right here on our homestead, where — relatively speaking — the air is pure and the water is clean.

On the few occasions we had to venture out of our island — say, to brainstorm over new styles at the Rawganique Atelier in Europe — we were struck by how polluted cities could be. It was well-nigh impossible to breathe on the streets, severely allergic as we were to cigarette smoke, car exhaust, and perfumes everywhere (living in North America, where smoking is pretty much taboo, were were surprised on our first trip that smoking is a widespread practice in Europe and Asia — it's neither here nor there, just a shock to our system that we hadn't planned on as part of our trip: in many places, one can still smoke inside restaurants: finding pure foods on a trip is another blog post altogether).

We had a hard time breathing, and our long-forgotten asthma resurfaced and made the trip almost regrettable. On the flight into Paris, the flight attendants even walked down the aisles and sprayed the plane with disinfectant, leaving us no place to hide (this was at the height of the foot and mouth disease)!

Freaking out, we asked the flight attendants for facemasks to at least protect ourselves from directly inhaling the stuff. Well, what do you know? We developed rashes and difficulty in breathing from mere contact with the facemasks we were given which were made from petroleum-based synthetic fabric. We were later told the "free" face masks were even soaked in biocides. So right on that very trip, we prototyped what would become the only non-toxic plant-fiber vegan organic facemasks in the world, made from the organic European cannabis hemp that we grow and weave for the purpose. Need is really the Mother of Invention. We were so desperate.

The Organic Cannabis Hemp Facemask features 100% organic European hemp fabric that's specially woven to filter the air you breathe through its many hollow pores for cleaner air. At the Rawganique Atelier in Europe, we grow, weave, and sew each hemp facemask / mouthmask for true purity. Completely untreated, unbleached & undyed: there is no fungicide or pesticide that's embedded inside the facemask like the ones you get from the hospital or on the plane (their strong chemical smells defeat their intended purpose in the first place, in our opinion, as many people would get sick just from the chemical outgassing and contact with synthetic fibers against their mouth and nose).

Our chemically sensitive customers are most concerned about unwanted scents and chemical particulates in the air. They want to make their organic facemask filters out objectionable stuff without adding toxic fibers and materials right next to their skin.

As pollution level rises all around the world, we have to be prepared to deal in some small way with the nasties that are floating around in the air. In many countries, airborne fumigations against mosquitoes as well as chemical rains during the drought are common. So we and many of our customers have the hemp facemask permanently on when we have to travel to such places.

We don't go anywhere without our hemp facemask, period. Many customers send us photos of them riding bikes and motorcycles wearing this through busy road (see jiltforfame's instagram photo below). It works like a charm.

You can find the Rawganique 100% Organic European Hemp Facemask here:

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