RG399 Elastic-free 100% Organic Pima Cotton Boy Shorts Panty
Since 1997, we at Rawganique have been on a quest to create functional products that are as organic and pure as possible. We as a society have been so used to plastics and other synthetics in our lives that is almost impossible to imagine daily life without them.
But with chemical sensitivities and allergies on the rise towards chemicals in clothing and home products, we are stepping up our efforts all the more to reach the point where we can manufacture everything without synthetics.
One of the most popular and enduring products we have made is the RG399 Ladysmith Elastic-free 100% Organic Cotton Panty. It took us a long while to perfect this design as we had to grapple with the pattern and cut and practicality of elastic-free panty. Even though elastics and spandex are a relatively recent phenomenon in human history, they have become so ubiquitous that making panties without them seems like an impossible feat in this day and age of economy-of-scale big garment factory productions.
Knowing our customers' need for ZERO elastic and spandex (for many customers, the sensitivity is so severe that they develop skin rashes and difficulty of breathing on contact or in proximity of elastics and spandex), we set out to redefine heritage lingerie in a modern practical everyday kind of way.
We started with the fit and the cut: what style would best suit an elastic-free treatment so that the legs don't ride up under pants and jeans and skirts? Should the drawstrings of our elastic-free 100% organic pima cotton panty be inside or outside? Should the drawstrings be forward facing or side facing? Which weave or knit would make the strongest 100% organic cotton drawstrings that are light and thin enough so as not to show the bulge under leggings and skirts?
We grappled with these issues for many months. We made many prototypes that we sent out to loyal customers to try out for feedback. The design that we settled on for the RG399 Elastic-free Organic Cotton Panty was the result of countless comments from customers. And we are happy to say that this collaborative effort has resulted in a fully functional organic cotton panty, without any chemicals or elastic or spandex. Made in small batches from 100% organic USA cotton ribbed knit that is SUPER soft and smooth and stretchy for true all-day wearing comfort. Sweatshop-free.
You can find the Ladysmith Elastic-free 100% Organic Cotton Boy Short Panty here: http://store.rawganique.com/Elastic-free-Organic-Cotton-Panty-p/rg-399.htm